Evidencing impact

Nationally benchmarked assessments provide a robust way to measure the impact of interventions and of progress through the curriculum.
How can we help
  • Establish and track levels of literacy - New Group Reading Test (NGRT), New Group Spelling Test (NGST)
  • Assess current attainment, as well as progress in maths, English and science - Progress Test Series (PT Series)
  • Compare CAT4 data with data from some of our other assessments to identify disparities between ability and attainment at-a-glance - Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4), New Group Reading Test (NGRT), Progress Test in English (PTE), Progress Test in Maths (PTM)
  • Monitor effectiveness of pastoral interventions and support - Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS)
We're using a suite of GL Assessment's standardised assessments to help us judge whether our reading programme is having the required impact.

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